Developed during the course Character Creation for Games with Daniel Lins at CG Master Academy, this character model of Vladmir III from the movie Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) is optimised for games, being around 30k polygons (except for the hairs, made in xgen). It is also the first time I tried baking and rendering with Marmoset Toolbag 4, which has given me more satisfaction than Substance Painter, which I used only for texturing. I came back to the model after a couple of weeks making "Nanosaur", and made the helmet, the belt and the sword, as well as adding bumpiness in Substance Painter to the skin.
The armor was designed by oscar-winning costume designer Eiko Ishioka, and now that I live in Japan I'd like to consider this model a small tribute.
The armor was designed by oscar-winning costume designer Eiko Ishioka, and now that I live in Japan I'd like to consider this model a small tribute.
Made in Autodesk Maya, Photoshop, Zbrush, Substance Painter, Marmoset Toolbag 4.

Renders in Marmoset Toolbag 4

Maya: model, rig and UV

Reference Images from the movie
WIP: anatomy of the body, Zbrush